Year 11 Information for Parents
Click Here to read the letter.
Click Here to read the Connexions SEND Offer letter.
Click Here to read the Employment Links Letter.
Click Here to view the Connexions Base Flyer.
Click Here to view the Open Evenings Timetable For Colleges and Sixth Forms 2024/25.
Introducing GATSBY
The Gatsby Bench Marks are a framework of 8 guidelines that define the best careers provision in schools. The school is working towards achieving each of the Gatsby Benchmarks to ensure an effective CEIAG programme is in place to meet the needs of all our students in all years.
If you require further information please contact the career lead at Smithills.
Mrs A Bennett by emailing - a.bennett@smithillsschool.net
Current Partnerships
Smithills School is a member of the Bolton Careers Hub in which we are able to collaborate regularly with other schools in Bolton and share good practice.
The school is currently supported by Jane Wells, Enterprise Coordinator for Bury and Bolton and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.
We are pleased to announce that an enterprise advisor, Christine Baldwin, Community Life Champion Asda is working with the school supporting us with developing greater links with employers and opportunities to become more involved in enterprise .
Click HERE
CEIAG Year Mapping
Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11
Careers Programme 2022-23​
All students have access to CEIAG through a carefully designed education programme providing a continuous platform on which students can deepen their knowledge and understanding of careers, develop their employability skills and gain access to current labour market information (LMI). Click HERE to preview the latest document.
Career Events Calendar 2022-23
Please note this calendar will be updated regularly throughout the year.
Click HERE to view the Events Calendar.
CEIAG Conferences 2022-23​
Each year group takes part in a CEIAG conference. The aim is to have an opportunity to explore career aspirations and future employment opportunities; understand and develop the kinds of skills employers are looking for; and gather information over time which can be accessed as required for specific times in their personal career journey.
Helping your child to develop knowledge of Labour Market Information (LMI)
What is LMI?
This stands for Labour Market Information. The resources below show data derived from the GM Economy regarding growth sectors in our area, skills that are both needed and prevalent in these sectors- and look at the expectation of both wages and opportunity among other points.
Why is this relevant? It is important that young people are familiar with the local economy (LMI) as this encompasses what their future opportunities could look like and can help guide on which sector(s) they feel suits them when thinking of both pre and post 16 course options and also future careers.
How can I support my child ?
We would encourage parents and carers to access LMI regularly so you can have relevant conversations with your children around their (sector) areas of interest. There are 15 sectors areas that have been developed. Please see the links below.
​Accounting, Finance, and Law Sector LMI GM 2022
Emergency Services LMI GM 2022
Financial Technology LMI GM 2022
Green Economy Sector LMI GM 2022
Health and Social Care LMI 2022
Other useful LMI resources
Start – Careers Information (startprofile.com)
Careerpilot : Plan your future work & study
Careers advice - job profiles, information and resources | National Careers Service
Monday 27th March 2022 –Friday 31st March 2023
Work Experience for Year 10’s will take place the week of Monday 27th March 2023 –Friday 31st March 2023.
​During the Year 10 Careers Conference students will start the planning for Work Experience and will be encouraged to source a placement for someone known to them, a close family member, business acquaintance, friend or relative.
Given the impact of covid on businesses many will still be operating from home so we anticipate this will be more challenging for the school to source placements for all students. We will support students throughout the process.
Students taking part in the programme will be expected to;
Research suitable placement with someone known to them or their family if possible and submit a 'Placement Detail Form' completed by the employer
If this is not possible students have access to the Tailored Education website and can access a potential database of employers.
Read through the job descriptions and appreciate what the job will entail.
Plan carefully for travelling to and from the placement before selecting the placement
Complete and submit a Request Placement Form 2022-23
Complete and return a Medical Form and the final Student Contract
Meet with their employer as requested prior to the commencement of the programme to finalise details.
All students will be provided with a Work Experience Pack following their Year 10 assembly in September, introducing them to Work Experience 2023. This will explain the process and include printed copies of all documentation. (Also available on the student page). For more detailed explanation please refer to the handbook below
Click HERE for a Work Experience Handbook for Parents.
Work Experience diaries will be given to students at the start of the process and will be used throughout the year to support them. Students will use their diary to prepare adequately in advance of their work experience, record information during the week long experience and evaluate and review their learning on completion of the process.
Students are asked to meet deadlines at different stages of the year to enable the school to liaise effectively with employers and parents,and ensure all health & safety procedures are in place.
Click HERE to download a diary.
Work Experience SUPPORT​
Students who need any support at any point throughout the work experience process please call into the career office and speak with Mrs Bennett or Mrs John.
Parents: For any information or advice about work experience please email a.bennett@smithillsschool.net
Contacts: Careers Leader Mrs Bennett
Work Experience Administrator: Mrs John
Apprenticeships Information for Parents​
Click HERE for the Latest Parent pack
‘The Parent Perspective’ Podcast
“The Parent Perspective” is an exciting new podcast series for parents and carers, helping them to support their children with careers advice and guidance.
The Parent Perspective Podcast - Amazing Apprenticeships
Click on the logo below to access the GMACS website.